

Standing Calf

Sculpt powerful calves and define your lower body with theATHLECULT Standing Calf Pin Loaded Machine, a commercial-grade machine designed to delivertargeted calf training in any gym setting. This robust equipment combinesintuitive pin selection withsmooth, controlled movements to push your calf muscles to the limit.

Here's why the ATHLECULT Standing Calf Pin Loaded Machine is your gym's MVP:

    • Targeted Calf Development: Isolates and strengthens your gastrocnemius and soleus muscles for defined and powerful calves.
    • Pin Loaded Convenience: Select your desired weight easily and instantly with precise increments for personalized progress.
    • Commercial-Grade Construction: Built with heavy-duty steel and premium components for unwavering stability and long-lasting performance.
    • Adjustable Calf Pad: Accommodates users of various heights and leg lengths for comfortable and effective training.
    • Non-Slip Platform: Ensures stable footing throughout your workout, preventing potential injuries.
  • Durable Upholstery: High-quality padding provides comfort and support during intense calf raises.


Weight Stack: 90 kg / 200 lbs

Dimensions (L,W,H):  1,476 mm x 1,063 mm x 1,795 mm

                                     58 inch x 42 inch x 71 inch

Product Weight:  219 kg - 490 lbs

Material: Material: Premium Steel 3 mm
